Supplier Module

A supplier is an entity that supplies goods and services to another organization. This entity is part of the supply chain of a business, which may provide the bulk of the value contained within its products. Some suppliers may even engage in drop shipping, where they ship goods directly to the customers of the buyer.

This module handles the all aspects of Suppliers.

New Supplier

Supplier creation form  in which all basic information about a Supplier is collected.

Module Summary

A Supplier is an entity that supplies goods and services to another organization. This entity is part of the supply chain of a business, which may provide the bulk of the value contained within its products.

This module handles the aspects of Supplier.

Supplier can be created with reference to Name, Address and VAT Number.

Quit wasting time looking for details and fixing problems

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Cut purchasing troubleshooting and excess freight costs

Duis egestas aliquet aliquet. Maecenas erat eros, fringilla et leo eget, viverra pretium nulla. Quisque sed augue tincidunt, posuere dui tempor.

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